The Peace Room - About |
In the Studio at Brindle Style - AN ARTISTS NARRATIVE.
The term "The PEACE ROOM" comes from the renowned futurist, speaker, citizen diplomat, social architect, and prophetic politician Barbara Marx Hubbard in 1984.
Barbara led a life of perseverance and commitment to a single noble purpose: to understand, communicate, and encourage the evolutionary potential of humanity.
Buckminster Fuller called her "the best informed human" on the concept of futurism. Barbara was a founding board member of The World Future Society and a co-founder of the Center for Conscious Evolution.
She is the author of numerous revelatory books, "The Evolutionary Journey, A Personal Guide to A Positive Future"; "The Revelation" and "Conscious Evolution: Awakening the Power of Our Social Potential." - Allan Silberhartz
As a croc disappears into the river some times for months, even an entire year, we too need time out to renew and refresh the spirit. Avoid burnout and stay strong through grief, trauma and crisis. Self-time is vital!
The title Peace Room, comes from Barbara Marx Hubbards speech at the Deomcratic Convention in her nomination for vice president of the United States in 1984. |