Mahongony Bob

Actually this is quite a good I was reminded of it via the writing of Goodoo Goodoo by Robert G Barrett.                                                                                     

I thought I was just going for a coffee an'a  sanga at the dining car, but this was even better than crowding round a 12 inch tv screen with 11 others in the bar.


He said his name was Mahoganey Bob, he was born around 1920, and he was a professional diviner or dowser. Taught by his granpa.  Bob even had his scrapbook there, with cuttings from the newspaper about how he gained national recognition and a spot on the Ray Martin Show for locating a wrecked sailing ship.

They couldn't actually excavate the site where the ship was buried beneath the shifting sands.  So they drilled down and found samples of mahogany timber appropriate to the vessel they were after.

Young Bob left home when he was about 9, finds a job divining water.  He actually goes on to be employed finding minerals deposits - with wire coathangers...

Maiia ""Pick me! - I really want to hear your ALL you fallas whacky stories.  I ran in to this fascinating Aussie character, during a 30 hour train trip down the Queensland coast to the Queensland city of Brisbane.  

The best bit was the two missing divers.  The Lonegrans Mahoganey Bob's coat hangers said Mrs Lonegran was still alive and pointed to her living in the Polynesian Islands.  He later had her living in Darwin and would like to have been able to go there and do some further investigation.

He used a photo from the newspaper.  When he put his divining rods over the husband they were still, yet when they went over the wife they would move.

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