Sorry Day Hibiscus |
Maiia The Australian hibiscus grows abundantly over there in Aotearoa too. Placed in a rural environment I was able to hold body and soul together, through the assimilation process, aware of a higher order. The seasons move, things grow and change, no matter the world of words and events. I played with these very flowers finding a powerful and sustaining comfort from the ways and the beauty of nature. A little girl 7 years old, already aware of injustice, with a wistful Waltons imaginings of kind families. Three decades when I saw what this flower emblem was the weirdest feeling. I had not seen one since. The local Cairns hibiscus is very beautiful yellow and marroon with an overtone of salmon to orange . NATIONAL SORRY DAY- 26 May.The 'Bringing Them Home' Report, (1997) revealed the removal policies in Australia, of Indigenous children from their families for more than 150 years into the 1970’s.The purple Native Hibiscus, the " National emblem of the Stolen Generations "was chosen because it is found widely across Australia and it is a survivor, as are the scattered members of the stolen generations. Bringing Them Home - Wikipedia