1. the power or ability to make a decision for yourself without influence from outside.
2. the right of a nation or people to determine its own form of government without influence from outside.
![]() Social Innovation - Getting to Hands Off This page was originally produced in 2007 in note of the public anger toward the a "NT Intervention"
The worldwide journey of the rising sun. Context at the Tropics of Capricorn Head East Across the mighty Pacific Ocean and the islands of Polynesia to the lands of the Incas. Bolivia and Brazil. Cross the south Atlantic to Angola, Southern Congo, Botswana Tanzania and Madagascar.
The Indian Ocean also has islands and takes us in to W.A. Western Australia where the sun rises like a giant Aboriginal flag over the Kimberlys, the Pilbara, the N.T and North Queensland.
This page after a lull following 2007 regained significance as professional Ugandan journalists told the facebook indy-media community how attention was actually drawn still further away from THEIR legitimate voice - by the American campaign. "Invisible Children" and known as KONY.
Let's get real about education, employment, productivity, creativity, innovation & social and economic Justice -Healthy Wealthy & Wise Structure to focus imagination and dreams Vision/Faith Board 100 Day Reality Challenge
The opposite of self-determination is self-abnegation. In 2014 Australias suicide stats get an outing thanks to The Stringer. So what do we do about it? Stolen Destiny and Reason to Live Australian Help Lines/support/ services
An injured croc disappears into the river sometimes for months in order to heal - we too must reconnect with nature and self Walden's Pond self nurturing and self healing to avoid burnout Walden's Pond Facebook