Norma McCarthy |
Taking Art Where Angels Fear to Tread... Outsider Art
Norma created an onsite, open door, on-going, community wellbeing centre. Using Colour and creativity as a healing tool. An evolving art installation and mobile healing centre. Travellers and local people A Shared Knowledge Community Coming together to dance, create and cocreate.
SCHOOL OF ARTS - Search For the Real Rainbow - A True Story.
Norma McCarthy - a high flyer from Sydney with a few bob in her pocket. Advocate for women's rights and the new feminism. The Germaine Greer Brigade. Working woman steppin' out! Tarted up in the fashions she sailed from Sydney to Tasmania on the Oriana, pulling in to watch the run of the Melbourne Cup. Urban born, hopeful and loving the razzamatazz... Then she ran away from the city to the Tropics of Capricorn.
Apart from being a hub for the Rainbow Tribe - The visionary and outsider artist opened Port Douglas's first artists collective and gallery. Had a number one hit in Joh Bjeleke era, creating and selling Bush Sculptures. These were large decorative assemblage pieces that she hand sclupted from natural materials sourced locally. She was represented in foyers and lounges throughout the region and exported overseas.