Net Neutrality |
woops 4.300 people came by since we updated this page. We could not have anticipated THAT level of interest on what is very much a niche subject! I guess it helps to show how letting money and advertising revenues lead programming priorities stifles the Truth and access to finding out where public interest lies.
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What is/ was net neutrality? WIKIPEDIA: I say WAS because ownership of web 2 the social media platforms as opposed to the power of owning your own websites. This page went to air back in 2008 and things have changed considerably since then.
New Zealand Open Source Society - "a non-profit organisation set up
to protect, advocate and advance the use of Open Source Software in New
Zealand. -ABOUT
MOYERS SAVETHENET COMMONCAUSE PUBLlC KNOWLEDGE 2020 Summit - "If we don’t enforce net neutrality now, the Internet and the media on it will slowly come under the control of the big telecommunications companies and media corporations. ' |