Sustainable Arts...yarn


Jon Hawkes   -  4th Pillar of Sustainability  - Cairns July 2008.


Maiia: Interesting times!.  LOL! The global entertainment industrial complex maintains a firm hand on the reins, however personal, national and cultural identity and the arts have come into greater economic focus with global technologies encouraging creative thinkers to successfully dream up concepts well beyond conception of the economic rationalists of the 20th century. 


Jan '08...  ARTS STRATEGISTS AND AUTHORS  -Cathy Hunt  (AUS)  and Phyllida Shaw (UK) in Cairns  see PDF FILE        Arts Nexus    Which means, what?  In street language...   


PAUL GREEN: "Nice way a sayin the money is blind?"     

Maiia: Short-sighted definitely but I feel a little more confident hearing Peter Garret give a quick overview (Sept o8). 


We also have people like Jon Hawkes mediating with govt, industry and the public, helping define what art and creativity contribute and what that worth is economiclly.  Hawkes is also sticking up for the Australia's ability to make it's own culture.  - take for example the 'entertainment' industry. 


Shaw and Hunt define stable income, a supportive infrastructure and vibrant creativity as the three cornerstones of sustainability for an arts organisation and suggest it's a combination of  Arts-workers, government and business working together create and maintain a viable industry.   "Sustainability in the Arts: What will it take?, aims to ignite national discussion and debate  among the arts community and among policy makers."  






EVE STAFFORD- OAM, “Creative cities that show they are agile in re-inventing themselves for the new globalised era are leading the most competitive regions worldwide in post-industrial economies."

“The current climate presents a unique opportunity to debate the future of the arts and the broader contribution of creative industries to Australian life: a new federal Government with the Australia Council for the Arts rolling out new policies such as ‘make it new’; the potential to secure investment from the private sector at a time of considerable  economic growth; Arts Queensland operating at State level under a new sector plan; and the newly amalgamating Councils across Queensland looking at the central role of culture for regional communities in liveability terms.”  

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