The Quick Tap

EFT or Tapping is a really interesting system that is evolving and can be done in a variety of ways

Emotional Freedom  EFT - Introduction  Faster - The official website of Robert G. Smith



"Find a memory, a stressor that you want freedom from, just notice it, see it, feel it for the last time.  Just notice your body sensations, your emotional level, wherever you are.   Pick something that has been bothering you or just notice your body. See it feel it for the last time.


Close your eyes.  Imagine a tree - I've just eliminated all the roots out from under it.  You know what happens to a tree without roots - it falls over and disappears.


Tap with two fingers on the points typed in blue print and say aloud (or silently just think them) the following words 


Above and between the eye - I release and let go - all sadness


Beside the eye - Release and let go - all fears.  Distress and anxieties.


Under the eye - I release and let go - all the emotional traumas


Tap on the collar boneI release and let go - anger, rejection, hurts, abandonments, all the betrayals. Hopelessness and helplessness.


I release the colours inside the images. I release the sound - I'm really here in this room - I'm safe to let it go.


Grab your wrist and take a deep breath - Peace.



Now let's go to a good memory. A happy memory.  It could be playing in the waves at the beach.  A pet.  Some music.  Feel the good feeling - Anything that makes you feel good. 

Grab your wrist and take a deep breath - Peace.


Notice what is left. Anything that bothers you. Go back- is there feeling? Emotion?  A picture? Notice what is left. 


Between the eye - Let it go.

Beside the eye - Let it go.

Under the eye - Let it go.

Collarbone - It's safe to let it go.

Deep breath - clasp the wrist Blow out the breath out and say Peace. 



Go back inside - notice what is still there.

If there are individuals - look at the expressions on their face. Look at yours, look at theirs. 


Above the eye - Touch - I release the expression.  - Feel your fingers.

Beside the eye - Just let it go

Under the eye - Let it go.

Collarbone   - Let it go.  (Focus on your fingers)

Deep breath - Wrist - Peace.  


Feel the good feeling.


Go back inside - notice what is still there.


Above the eye - Touch - Feel your fingers. Just let it go

Beside the eye Let it all go

Under the eye - It is safe to let go.

Collarbone -  - Let it all go.  Focus on your fingers

Deep breath - Wrist - Peace.


Two hands... tap with both hands simultaneously.


Above the eye -  - Feel your fingers.  Let it go.

Beside the eye Just let it go

Under the eye - Let it go.

Collarbone -  - Let it go.  Focus on your fingers

Deep breath - Wrist - Peace.  


Go to the good memory.  Feel the good feeling.


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