Tuesday - Communication and Presentation
There is an old saying, that we have two ears and one mouth - because LISTENING is twice as important as speaking.
The physical limitations of sound reaching the ears, as in an actual hearing impairment, or a need for amplification - maybe the easiest sort of communication barrier to deal with.
Talk Nice - Interpersonal Skills
Injustice and conflict are clear indicators of a failure to communicate effectively. Prejudiced perceptions, assumptions, emotions such as fear; world views, status, gender bias, pecking orders and stereotyping all of these affect clear and coherant communication. Outside family life - nowhere is this more obvious than politics and it leads to all manner of abuse.
Nonviolence "Nonviolent communication begins by assuming that we are all compassionate by nature and that violent strategies, whether verbal or physical, are learned behaviors that are taught and supported by the prevailing culture. NVC (nonviolent communication) also assumes that we all share the same basic human needs, and that each of our actions are a strategy to meet one or more of these needs" -
Are you in broadcaster mode a lot? Is your thinking process connected at the mouth? Enquiry to become more confidently self-aware is a valuable practise. Brindle Style includes oppurtunities to explore our Listening, evaluation, and Critical Thinking. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Beyond Prejudice - 21 tips to overcoming barriers to Listening.
I Am & The Elevator Pitch You get in a lift with a potential employer, investor, business partner or affiliate... it's the chance of a lifetime. You've just ran into Oprah, Richard Branson or the ghost of Steve Jobs - You have just one minute before the lift reaches the tenth floor to introduce yourself and your business... what do you say |