Use a Database.

There are many reasons to build a database.  For storing contact numbers, email addresses and Website links but it is more than a glorified telephone and address book.  Data collection not only assists us in effective communication, it can be used to improve overall organization and efficiency. 


Your database can be used to create strategies for growth.   It will help you to observe trends, and assist in making decisions regarding development of products, services and markets. 


A database can include details of associates, employees, suppliers, clients, customers. Public relations information.  Calendar. Transactions. Product inventory. A database can be used for profiling profitability, follow up and feedback.  Today there are also systems for automated targeted marketing.


As people have done for centuries Cultural Mapping is simply a buzz phrase for collating and working with ideas and information by creation of visual or digital charts - or narratives in the spoken word traditions.   It can be a useful in building relationships in allied industries and businesses and for collaborating withthose who have shared goals. 


There are multitude ways to store, share, manage, communicate and document information.  From the ancient oral tradition of story-telling, to the pen and notebook, cards and paper file folders.  Printed books too.  Today we have millions of electronic, internet, and cloud storage options and applications.


 Utilise Your own Website or Blog   Spreadsheets    FileMaker  Open Office


Even Facebook. -  It's quick, efficient and thusfar - current.  Contribute to A Facebook Page for creative work, storage, archiving and redistribution.

Brindle Style - Media Promotion


  Brindle Style- Media Promo 

Work on Creating an Active and engaging campaign.  Details to be announced.

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