Heigh Ho


 Gina Reinhart brings Australia into the 20th Century. Amid calls to give Perth's iconic Kings Park a new name. Queens Park.  Heiress or Empress Regina? 
Has the Great Pyrimid Scheme with Gina Reinhart on top - become top heavy?  Can her antiquated business style pull the crown from Rupert Murdochs head as the hungriest beast to come out of Australia?
Wikipedia: Queen City is a term which is often used to describe a city which is the largest city in a country, state, province, or territory, but which is not the capital." - Well that's 'cause at 2 mllion an hour, Gina Reinhart OWNS all the capital.

Josie Jones "Yes. (worse than Murdoch) The small, rural town in Qld, in which I live.... Is surviving ( just) on the incomes of men ( mostly fathers) who haul their arses way out west, at great expense to themselves. The airlines grab whatever they want, there's transport and living. A home away from home and as ever, there is that uncounted cost to their families, marriages, community of absent fathers.



After 2 or 3 or 6 weeks scratching in the dirt for Gina's discarded pennies. They come home to pay the rent or the mortgage, cry or get drunk or angry or all of the above. And Hi Ho, it's back to work they go " 


Left the Welcome to Tent City piece is a random cover from the local Perth newspaper I picked up having coffee at Kings Park, May 2012. I wasn't deliberately seeking that sort of content or imagery.  A stark reminder of the Victorian era and the great depression when Perth had tent cities.  


Maiia "I'm worried Jainas out to invade Queens-land next. Clive Palmer on the ground. Hopefully Twiggy Forrest is busy 'Job Creating' with Generation One." Heigh Ho!  It's off to work we go!


I don't know how thorough the research is but they say the Australian mining tycoon Dynasty heiress, empress, is siphoning out of the uncommonwealth, 2 mllion an hour or "600 Dollars a  Second"


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