Maiia Brindle  
An artists sketchbook of economic and social justice at the final frontiers of invasive colonialism. Our arts newsletter went on-line in 2003, but the indymedia journey itself begins 1980s.  In Australia so backward, being of mixed native and immigrant heritage, meant becoming subject matter, and being publicly attacked by mainstream media.  

Take a cyber journey round the Southern Hemisphere tropics of Capricorn. DSCF0174Cairns Indy-MediCross the Pacific Ocean with it's island republics to the lands of the Incas. Bolivia and Brazil. Cross the south Atlantic to our neighbours Angola, Southern Congo, Tanzania, Botswana and Madagascar. The Indian Ocean take us in to W.A. Western Australia where the sun rises like a giant Aboriginal flag over the Kimberlys, the Pilbara, the Northern Territory of Australia and Tropical Qld.  Tropics of Capricorn facebook    


 LOCAL BUSINESS  The walls of Cairns Central were hauled into place like a 21st C Trojan Horse.  Let's get real about employment, education, innovation, creativity and productivity.


Local Business   Thursday - ENTERPRISE  A brave new paradigm of family and home-based business and cottage Industry.  Australian based forums on MEDIA REFORM and Net Neutrality



 MNA - The Work ExperienceC.I.M. Facebook  Are the old guys wrong in clinging to the brothers grim - mining and military?  Is technology a key driver of 21st century economics or what?  Community Conversation  


Maiia Brindle
News on the street. - During the 1990s I was invited to sit with great people of the town as they occupied cityplace. Inspirational Australian figures of today like Kieran Michael and may they rest in peace, Mick Miller and Auntie Gladys Tybingoompa who brought their leadership and eldership to the public arena quite naturally.  
There was the Murri Grapevine, the local pub and City Place where the office workers met for lunch and the remote community would catch up with townsfolk
Brindle Style - Southern Tropic of Capricorn Head east on the world-wide journey of the the rising sun.
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