Season 16 - 2019 THE LIGHT HEART


butterfly with star animation"We use to laugh and kid each other continually. Today I can go a day without laughing out loud. Laughing all the time to never?"  Elijah Ignatieff  (Canada) Shared Knowledge Community

Buster Keaton: "Much has been said about his (Charlie Chaplin's) impulsive, unstable character; about his pessimism, his sadness and his unkindness. The simple explanation for these quite wrong ideas is that people do not easily forgive a genius for being only a man" Charlie Chaplin


SCHOOL OF ARTS Let's get real about productivity, creativity, education, innovation anemployment. Project & Professional Development Skills for Creative Industry.


A Celebration of Life Bringing HeART to Healing  As an injured croc disappears into the river some times for months even an entire year - we all will need time out to renew and refresh the spirit. Avoid burnout and stay strong through grief, trauma and crisis. Self-time is vital.    



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