Project Four: MUSIC




Let's get real about education, innovation, productivity, creativity and employment. 


  Take the Hassle Out of the Hustle.  REALWORLD Promotion 


Program 2019  Get on purpose. Get focused.  Brindle Style Artists Network has run not for profit for over 14 years.  We now offer occassional online and in studio workshops in the marketing and promotional skills that make your team a force more powerful. 


SYNCRONET An elder will likely have developed an amazing predigital neurological pathways. They can generate a host of ideas with no digital input whatsoever. Musicians are early adopters of technology so in this industry you will often have the best of both worlds.   Olde skills and new tools.  Steve has his own photos, audio, some video and a database of industry contacts. Let's use the complex and succesful elder of Australian music  SteveTripp as an example in the battle to be seen and heard  and in building a career in this most complex of the creative industries 





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