Risk Control

Be on the lookout for risky situations and be proactive in reducing the probability of an incident occuring.


In any venture consideration is given to risk factors.  A full review of the potential for physical, emotional, environmental and business success risks.


Risk management involves identifying, assessing, and prioritizing elements of risk.

Taking actions to minimize, monitor, and control the probability and/or the impact of hazards and risks.

Maximize the realization of success for projects or opportunities.


Risks can come from many directions.  Risks Specifically Related to Arts


There are hazards to physical and mental health and wellbeing.  Plus - uncertainty in financial markets, threats from project failure, legal liabilities, credit risk, accidents, natural causes and disasters as well as deliberate attack from an adversary, or events with uncertain or unpredictable root-cause.  The likelihood that a cyclone blows your building away may be small - however we still need cyclone preparation.


1. Assess the importance.  Categorise it - low, medium or high risk.


2. Control - Actions that can be taken to remedy or mitigate potential risks.   


Administrative actions for example - giving verbal or documented explanations of policies and procedures. 


Provision and use of personal protective equipment  - goggles, earplugs, masks, workboots etc


Engineering - ie use of ergonomic furniture 


3. Monitor Observe and review understanding and compliance of participants. Create a venue inspection checklist


Assist with Marketing and Promotions   A Three Part Series  CONTENT GENERATION 


Risk management - Wikipedia
















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